Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Who has the $ in Council races, districts 21-35. Lydia Hubbell has a good chance to win. Local Dems target Council member Angie Henderson for defeat.

by Rod Williams- This is part 3, the final installment of my report on how the candidates for Metro Council are stacking up in the fund raising effort for the August 1 election. 
For part 1, follow this link: Which candidates have the money in the council district races, District 1-10. 
For Part 2 see, Who is leading in the $ race in Council districts 11-20. Ultra liberal Ginny Welsch leads Tony Tenpenny with help of outside liberal PAC $. Unopposed Freddie O'Connell has $100K!

For a report on the fund raising effort of the candidates for at-large see,  Adam Dread, Burkley Allen, Sheri Weiner, Suara Sultat, and Bob Mendes lead in $ raised in Q2. They also have most "on-hand." 

For a report on the mayor's race see, John Cooper raised the most money in the Second Quarter. Briley has the most "on-hand" for the final stretch.

My summary of who is contributing to which candidate is based on a quick review of campaign finance reports. I might have missed something significant. Also, while I know who some of the movers and shakers and moneyed big shot interest are in Davidson County, I don't know them all. You may make connections that I missed. If you would like to view campaign finance reports for yourself follow this link

District 21: I don't know much about the candidates except the incumbent and don't have a preferred candidate in this race. I am skipping reviewing the campaign financial reports of candidates running in this district for now. These are the candidates:
Denise Bentley
Ted Chapin
Melissa Covington  
Brandon Taylor

District 22: I do not have a preferred candidate in this race and have not heard a lot about this contest so I am skipping it for now. I may revisit it and update if time allows. A quick look shows that Gloria Hausser is better funded than her opponents.
Art Alllen
Gloria Hausser
Todd Sneed  

District 23
Thom Druffel: $18,080 raised this quarter. $5,259 on hand. Contributors include:
Rod Williams, (that's me) $250.
A Better Nashville PAC, $4,000
George Armistead, $200
Waller Lansden PAC, $1,000
HG Hill Realty PAC, $500
Contribution from the candidate to his campaign $1,500

Mina Johnson: $21,700 raised this period. $17,699 on hand. $10,000 loan outstanding. Contributors include: Former mayor Bill Purcell, $150
Nashville fire fighters union, $1,000
HG Hill Realty PAC, $250
Friends of the Police, $1,000
Amazon, $1,000
Women for Tennessee's  Future, $250

Comment: I am supporting Thom Druffell. See, Thom Druffel for Metro Council

District 24: Kathleen Murphy is running for reelection unopposed. She has $26,486 on hand. Contributors include the police union, $500, SEIU, $500, fire fighters union $500.

District 25: Russ Puley is runnng for reelection unopposed. He has $37,897 on hand. Contributors include Waller Lansden PAC, $250; IBEW (electrical workers union $500; A Better Nashville, $2,000, Amazon $1,000.

District 26
Chip Cruze: $9,665 raised this quarter. $5,034 on hand. Loan outstanding $5,000. Contributors are all modest contributions from individuals. No PAC money.

Jeremy Elrod (the incumbent councilman): $11,675 raised this quarter, $21,636 on hand. Contributors include:
Ready for Freddie Committee, $250
Steve and Francis Underwood, management of the Titans, $250
Nashville Business Coalition.$500
Nashville Fire Fighters local 140, $1000
Friends of the Police, $1000
Amazon, $2,000
A Better Nashville PAC, $5,000 

Courtney Johnston: $7,732 raised this quarter, $5,148 on hand. Lee Beaman contributed $1,000, Dr. Ming Wang, $500. No PAC money or other prominent public figures. 

District 27: Robert Nash is the only candidate seeking this open seat. $3,520 raised this quarter. $6,576 on hand, No loans. Contributors include, A Better Nashville PAC, $2,500; Fire fighters union, $500; Jason Powell, $500.

District 28
Ratnakar Dwived: $2,038 raised this period, $1,514 on hand. Contributors include $1,150 the candidate contributed to her own campaign.

Tanaka Vercher (the incumbent council member) $1,250 raised this period. $8,632 on hand. Contributors include:
Stones River Group PAC, $250
Nashville Fire Fighters PAC, $1,000

District 29
Delishia Porterfield: She is the incumbent who has only been in office a few months and then had to turn around and run again. $4,200 raised this quarter, $1,490 on hand. Contributors:
SEIU $500 
Fire fighters union, $1000
MNEA (teachers union)$1000
FOP (police union) $1000
Reddie for Freddie Committee, $500

Constance Smith-Burwell: $0 raised this quarter, $1,975 on hand. 

Vicky Tatary: No money raised and no cash on hand and no money spent. I would say this makes this person not a serious candidate.

District 30
Reuben Ford: He failed to file his second quarter report on time but did file it.  $579 raised this period, $21 on hand.  

Lydia Hubbell: She is the only candidate in this race to file a second quarter report and file it on time. $1,204 raised this period, $193 on hand. Contributors include Ed Smith a conservative political activist, $388; Rod Williams (that's me) $102;

Sandra Sepulveda: She did not file a second quarter report. Why, I don't know.  She was required to file. This is the summary of her First Quarter report: $4119 raised this period, The candidates treasurer apparently can't follow instructions and do basic math. The line for "balance on hand" is blank. Calculating if for myself it looks like the candidate had $1,768 on hand at the end of the first quarter. There is supposed to be a $25 fine for each day the candidate is late filing a report.

Comment: Sherry Jones, who is a former metro council member (1987 to 1995) and former member of the State Legislature who served 24 years in that post, will also have her name on the ballot. She has not appointed a treasurer and she has not filed a financial report. Maybe she thinks that by just putting her name on the ballot she can win on the strength of name recognition.  She ran and failed in a bid to become Juvenile Court Clerk in 2017. During that campaign it was revealed by The Tennessean that she violated State law by using State funds to promote her candidacy for Juvenile Court. She was notorious as a member of the Council and State legislator for several reasons, one of which was that she was the top spender of per diem. That is money to be paid to travel to Nashville to serve. This is what the Beacon Center wrote about her in their 2008 Pork Report: "Rep. Sherry Jones (D-Nashville), lives only seven miles away, yet Jones had the audacity to claim $22,216 in per diem allowance last year." That was only for one year or her 24 years of service!

Comment: I am supporting Lydia Hubbell in the race.  She is a conservative, honest and a caring  person. I think she would make a good council member.  While her money raised totals are modest, since this report she has received a couple good contributions.  She needs help. If you can contribute to her campaign please to do.  Given that the person who I thought would be the strongest candidate is not raising or spending money and that her other two opponents can't even file a campaign financial report on time, Lydia may be the strongest candidate; I know she is the best.  See, Lydia for Council District 30

District 31: John Rutherford is the only candidate running in this open seat. He raised $4,725 this reporting period and has $4,563 on hand. Contributors include $1,500 from the candidate to his campaign; $500 from SEIU, and $500 from the fire fighters.

Comment: It is very rare than an open seat is won by a candidate with no opposition. We have two such seats being won that way this time. It is a shame more people are not willing to serve.

District 32
Cheryl Mayes:$12,552 raised. $1,291 on hand. $4,800 outstanding loans. Contributors include Judge Lydia Jones, $100; A Better Nashville PAC, $7,500! SEIU, $500.

Joyce Neal: No second quarter report filed. Her previous report showed no money raised or spent.

District 33
Martez Coleman: $1,5879 raised. $1,059 on hand. Contributors include John Kincaid $500; Sam Coleman, $200; Roy Dale (former councilman, engineer), $1,000; Tom White, $500; candidate's contributions to his own campaign $4,750.

Antionette Lee: She is the incumbent. $5,333 raised this quarter. $10,228 on hand. Contributors include Amazon, $1,000
Sam Coleman $150;
Williams Hotstettler, $500
SEIU, $500

District 34
Terry Jo Bichell: $30,587 raised this quarter. $37,625 on hand. Loans outstanding, $10,000.Contributors include:
Waller Lansden PAC, $1,000
Rock Springs Strategies, $250
A Better Nashville PAC, $7,500
Nashville Business Coalition, $500
Davidson County Democratic Party, $500
Women for Tennessee's Future, $250

Angie Henderson: She is the incumbent. $32,099 raised this quarter. $27,020 on hand. Contributors include:
Nashville fire fighter, $1,000
Ira Work, $500
Ed Smith, $1,500

Comment: I follow the council closely and Angie Henderson is one of the better members of the Metro Council. She votes the right way. She opposed raising taxes and she has supported the fairground. She understands metro finances and ask smart probing questions in deliberation of legislation. She is however a Democrat, or at least I assume she is as I have never seen her identified as a Republican. She must have made someone really mad, however. It is rare that the local Democrat Party gets involved in the non-partisan council elections but it has contributed to her opponent. They also contributed to the opponent of Councilman Robert Swope but Swope is a Republican and headed Trump's statewide campaign, so it is easier to understand local Dems targeting Swope for defeat than it is Angie Henderson.

If you look at Bichell's campaign report she not only has the support of the Davidson County Democrat Party, but also the very liberal group Women For Tennessee's future. She is also being supported by A Better Nashville PAC. Two of the major funders of this PAC are the people behind the effort to away the fairgrounds for the benefit of a private developer and the Amazon company that got a bid subsidy from the city. The folks aligned against her are not good people. I am not sure at this point, how much more money would help her campaign. It appears both candidates have more than enough to compete in a district Council race. However, I have sent her a modest campaign contribution to show my support. To contribute to her campaign, follow this link: Angie Henderson, Metro Council District 34.

District 35
Michelle Foreman. $7,478 raised this quarter, $6,508 on hand. Contributors include:
Carol Swain, $250
Rod Williams (that's me) $125
Lee Beaman (Beaman automotive, supporter of conservative causes), $1,600
Steve Glover, $150

Dave Rosenberg, (the incumbent): $10,629 raised this quarter; $25,652 on hand. Contributors include:
Nashville Fire Fighters union, $1000
Ready for Freddie Committee, $500
Amazon, $1000
Friends of the Police, $1,000

Comment: I am supporting Michelle Foreman. With Rosenberg having a lot more on-hand, some last minute contributions could help Foreman have money to compete in the final stretch of the campaign. To contribute to her campaign see Foreman for Bellevue.

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1 comment:

  1. Angie Henderson is INDEPENDENT. She is awesome. I hope she wins.
