Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Briley looks for help from people who make money from city

By: Ben Hall, News Channel 5 - The morning after Mayor David Briley's 10-point loss to challenger John Cooper, some of Nashville's most influential business leaders gathered at the offices of billionaire John Ingram hoping to reset the mayor's campaign as it heads to a runoff election. ....

The morning after Mayor David Briley's 10-point loss to challenger John Cooper, some of Nashville's most influential business leaders gathered at the offices of billionaire John Ingram hoping to reset the mayor's campaign as it heads to a runoff election.

Ingram, who hosted the meeting, is also co-owner of Nashville's new soccer team, which is the beneficiary of a $250 million development deal with the city for a new soccer stadium.
Briley supported that controversial stadium deal, and his administration helped push it through the Metro Council. (link)

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