Friday, August 02, 2019

Congratulations Angie Henderson! She beats back Democrat Party attempt to defeat her.

Angie Henderson
by Rod Williams - I am pleased to see than Angie Henderson beat her challenger!  In my view, Angie Henderson is one of the best four or five members of the Council. She does not identify herself as a Republican or a conservative but she almost always votes the right way. On tax increases, on the fairgrounds, on the transit plan, and various other issues, she voted the way I would have voted. Not only does she vote the right way but watching her you can see that she has a firm grasp of the issues.  I watch most of the Council meetings and some of the Council committee meetings. When she ask questions or makes arguments, she says the things I am hoping someone will say. She always does her homework and she is smart and it shows.

When examining campaign finance reports, I was surprised to see that the Davidson County Democrat Party made a contribution to Angie's opponent. The only other candidate the DCDP donated to was the opponent of Robert Swope.  Swope is an avowed Republican and headed the Tennessee Trump campaign. I can understand why the local Democrat Party wanted to see him defeated.  The Council is a non-partisan body of course and  rarely is there a vote cast that one could call a Republican or Democrat vote.  Some candidates are more fiscally responsible than others, but that is hardly an exclusive "Republican" of "Democrat" position.  One's political identity or allegiance has very little to do with serving in the Metro Council. Still, I can see why Democrats targeted Robert Swope for defeat since he was the leader of the effort to get Trump elected in Tennessee.  I cannot understand, however, why the local Democrats targeted Angie Henderson for defeat.

Angie's opponent not only got funding from The Davidson County Democratic Party but from the super liberal Women for Tennessee's Future.  She also got funding from the Nashville Business Coalition and she got funding from the Amazon-funded political action committee,  A Better Nashville PAC. 

Angie Henderson  got 66% of the vote and her challenger, Terry Jo Bichell, got 34%. Congratulations Angie Henderson!

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