Friday, August 02, 2019

Courtney Johnston beats Councilman Jeremy Elrod! Will face off in Sept. 12th runoff

Courtney Johnston
Congratulation to Courtney Johnston! She got more votes in the August 1st election than incumbent
Councilman Jeremy Elrod. Courtney is smart and articulate and is a fiscal conservative. She and Elrod will face off in the runoff election September 12th.

In my view, Jeremy Elrod is one of the members of Council who needs to be replaced. On the vote of the Council regarding the mayor's transit plan, he voted against transparency that would reveal the true cost of the plan and he voted to advance the transit plan (link). Elrod is one of those who voted to destroy the Fairgronds and give away ten acres of fairground property. 

You can tell a lot about a person by who is funding his campaign. Elrod has received donations from Councilman Freddie O'Connell's PAC, the liberal Nashville Business Coalition., and directly from  Amazon, and from the Amazon funded political action committee, A Better Nashville PAC.

Below is the vote totals for the District 26:

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