Friday, August 16, 2019

Have coffee with Thom Druffel, Saturday,


Meet Thom Druffel 

This campaign has been a great way to meet new people in District 23. Our campaign has knocked on thousands of doors, called thousands of people, and sent out thousands of mailers to local voters to inform them about the reasons District 23 needs new leadership.

Now we have a great opportunity for you to meet Thom Druffel in a more personal setting. 

This Saturday 8-9 AM, and every Saturday 8-9 AM until the election, Mr. Druffel will be at Bruegger's Bagels. 5311 Harding Pike, Nashville, TN 37205.

He will be there to sit down, have coffee, and hear how you want the future of District 23 to unfold.

Get to know him one-on-one.

Thom Druffel is an experienced leader who has held the reigns for many years in the hospitality industry. He will take the leadership expertise that he has acquired from his many years of experience balancing budgets, efficiently studying business plans, and making productive deals, and apply it to the council.

Click here to watch to watch NewsChannel 5’s recent story on TSU's push for college students to take advantage of Nashville's huge tourism boom. You might see someone you know!

We hope to meet you there!

Early voting starts on August 23 at the Howard Office Building and here in District 23 on August 30 - ending September 7. Election Day is on September 12.

 Kind regards,
Thom Druffel for Metro Council Team

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