Sunday, August 25, 2019

How to Impact Nashville’s Future: It starts with a Vote

From Carol Swain:

Dear Friends and Supporters:

There’s a change in the air. School has started, fall is near, and early voting in the mayoral runoff starts on August 23rd and ends on September 6th with the runoff on September 12th. The runoff will decide the next mayor and the makeup of city council.  

Your fellow citizens need you to vote in the runoff election. A lot is at stake for our city and nation.   

Steve Glover, the only experienced conservative running for a seat on city council, needs your vote. Steve is running for one of the five open at-large seats. His best shot at winning depends on you going to the polls and voting for only one at-large candidate. Courtney Johnston (District 26) is also a runoff against Jeremy Elrod. Both candidates could use your votes and any financial assistance you can provide. 
We can change Nashville. Currently, I am meeting with concerned citizens to explore the formation of an advocacy group to monitor the inner workings of Metro government.  The organization we envision would hold the mayor and the city council accountable to work on behalf of the public welfare. As conceived, it would be a 501 c (3) nonprofit that would use research, investigations, forensic audits, public outreach, interviews and litigation to ensure the following:
A) financial transparency
B) accountability 
C) integrity 
D) protection and advocacy for first responders (police, firefighters, and dispatchers)
E) Improvements in public education and protection of parental choice
The organization can also serve as a voice and protection for business owners who live outside of Davidson County. We will need experienced council members like Glover to help keep us informed.
I deeply appreciate your support of me, and the work God has called me to do. We must stand up, and Be the People who will work to change Nashville into the kind of city we can all be proud of.
Yours Truly,

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