Thursday, August 01, 2019

Steve Glover makes the at-large runoff! Bob Mendes only at-large candidate to win outright.

Steve Glover
Bob Mendes was the only candidate running for an at-large seat who won outright and will not face a runoff. The next eight highest vote getters will compete for the four remaining seats. The candidates making the runoff and their vote percentages are below:

Zulfat Suara  9.3%
Sharon W. Hurt 9.24%
Sheir Weiner 9.19%
Burkley Allen 8.95%
Fabian Bedne 7.28%
Howard Jones 7.24%
Steve Glover 6.96%
Gary W. Moor 6.07%

Below is the vote totals for all candidates running at-large.  These vote totals are not get certified, so there could be an adjustment or a recount, but that rarely happens. Below are the totals for those running at-large.

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