Monday, August 12, 2019

Thom Druffel: The Runoff Begins

As of today, there is only a month until Election Day! After a long campaign, District 23 will finally get to decide who its next Council person is.

September 12 is coming up fast and we still have lots of doors to knock, and people to meet!

This weekend, we had a huge turnout of friends and supporters on Saturday at our rally. We had over forty people come out to officially kickoff our runoff campaign!

With energy and active supporters like this, we are speeding toward changing our district for the better. I'm thankful for the show of support and the involvement of our community in such an important race. If you'd like to help out, please signup here!

 Hearing your questions and concerns are important to me. That's one reason I'm running - to be a more accessible and engaging Councilperson that is transparent with you. Please always feel free to contact me and let me know about issues that are on your mind. I will always be responsive.

Early voting starts on August 23 at the Howard Office Building and begins here in District 23 on August 30 - ending September 7. Election Day is on September 12. I hope that I can earn your vote!

Kind regards,
Thom Druffel

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