Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Belleview Republcan Breakfast Club meets September 7th 8:15AM

From: Betty Hood
Sep 3 at 1:00 PM
Dear BRBC Friends,

Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day!!!

Our monthly BRBC meeting will be Saturday, September 7 at 8:15 am at the Corner Pub in the Woods on Hwy 100. 

Steve Glover will join us to give us a campaign update. In addition, if you wonder what's happening in the public schools, like me, our guest speaker may be able to shed some light on the subject.  Ms T.J. Williams, a female auto mechanics teacher at Maplewood High School, will be with us. She is part of the public/private partnership with Firestone that prepares her students for jobs.  Ms Williams is a previous Titan Teacher of the Year.

Hope you come and hear Ms. Williams and have some questions for her.

See you there!


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