Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Dr. Manny Sethi Campaign Releases Statement on Mitch McConnell Endorsement

Press release. – Republican Senate candidate and conservative outsider Manny Sethi’s campaign released the following statement on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement of Ambassador Bill Hagerty for Senate.
"Today, Mitch McConnell--the same guy who brought us runaway spending, failed to repeal ObamaCare and not building the Wall--joined Mitt Romney today, endorsing moderate Ambassador Bill Hagerty,” said Chris Devaney, Campaign Chairman and Senior Advisor.
“Tennesseans want a conservative outsider like Manny Sethi—and we don’t want Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, or any other member of the DC Establishment ‘Death Star’ telling us who to vote for.”

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