Sunday, September 01, 2019

Mayor Briley and the Metro Council are determined to turn Nashville into a 'sanctuary city'

Reposted from an email from Bobbie Patray, Chairman of Tennessee Eagle Forum  - It appears that regardless what we do here in Tennessee, the Mayor and the Metro Council are determined to turn Nashville into a 'sanctuary city' DESPITE the fact that TN Eagle Forum worked VERY HARD to pass a bill to PROHIBIT Sanctuary Cities in 2018.  In addition, they seem to be giving no attention to the danger this could be creating in our county.

Mayor David Briley calls for sweeping investigation of Nashville's probation department following reports of ICE involvement

Scrutiny of the city's probation department intensified Thursday, with Mayor David Briley and a broad swath of the Metro Council demanding investigations into the department's cooperation with federal immigration agents seeking to deport immigrants in the country illegally.
Briley is calling for an investigation and performance audit of the General Sessions Probation Department following reports that the agency is sharing information on probationers with Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. 

In a letter sent Thursday morning to Interim Metropolitan Auditor Gina Pruitt, Briley said it was "absolutely unacceptable" that Probation Director Robert Green and probation officers have been cooperating with ICE agents since at least 2017. Briley said the behavior "does not reflect the character of our city."

"It also significantly undermines the public's trust in local government," Briley said in the letter obtained by The Tennessean. "Further, these interactions threaten to discourage justice-involved individuals from complying with the terms of their supervised release."

Metro Council members call for investigation into Nashville probation officers assisting ICE agents

Yihyun Jeong, Nashville TennesseanPublished 4:17 p.m. CT Aug. 28, 2019 | Updated 5:52 p.m. CT Aug. 28, 2019

Metro Council members are asking the General Session Court to investigate reports that Nashville's probation director and his staff are working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to arrest and detain individuals under probation supervision.

In a letter Wednesday, a group of council members called upon the General Sessions judges and court administrator Warner Hassell to ensure that the city's probation department immediately ceases assisting ICE on civil immigration matters.

Sanctuary County Ignores ICE Detainer Request, Releases Alleged Rapist Back Into the Public

August 21, 2019 Ohio Star Staff by Jason Hopkins

A Maryland detention center ignored a detainer request by ICE and released an alleged rapist from custody, the latest run-in between federal immigration authorities and the county since it enacted a "sanctuary city" executive order.

Rodrigo Castro-Montejo, a 25-year-old Salvadoran national, was arrested by local authorities in Montgomery County, Maryland on August 10 and charged with second-degree rape and second-degree assault. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) placed a detainer request on him on August 12 because Castro-Montejo is living in the U.S. illegally, an agency spokeswoman told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

However, the Montgomery County Detention Center ignored the request and released him the following day. News of Castro-Montejo's release marks the latest national headline for the liberal enclave since County Executive Mark Elrich, a Democrat, signed an executive order that largely prohibits how local law enforcement from interacting with ICE.

The executive order forbids police from asking people about their immigration status, and it also prohibits them from cooperating with federal immigration authorities under most circumstances. The order, known formally as "The Promoting Community Trust Executive Order," builds on sanctuary policies already established in the county.

However, in just a month since the order was signed by Elrich, the Democrat-run county has attracted national attention for the arrests of illegal aliens accused of rape.

Montgomery County Police arrested Mauricio Barrera-Navidad, 29, and Carlos Palacios-Amaya, 28 - both of whom are residents of Montgomery County - for allegedly raping an 11-year-old girl on multiple occasions. One of the suspects allegedly raped the middle school-aged girl orally, vaginally, and anally, according to authorities, all while he lived in the county that afforded him sanctuary protection.

Fugitive Cities Have Harbored 10,000 Criminal-Alien Recidivists

By DEROY MURDOCK March 9, 2018 3:58 PM

Let's stop calling them 'sanctuaries.'

The phrase "sanctuary cities" is warm and welcoming. Sanctuaries are safe, cozy, and sometimes therapeutic. This term is also a deceptive euphemism for something thoroughly unacceptable.

Conservatives redefined the debate on the "estate tax" when 60 Plus Association founder Jim Martin rechristened it the "Death Tax." Likewise, those who seek law, order, and sanity in immigration should refer to "sanctuary cities" as "fugitive cities."

Anyone who hides a wanted criminal from federal officials could be prosecuted for harboring a fugitive. According to 18 U.S. Code § 1071, it is "an offense to harbor or conceal any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued, so as to prevent the fugitive's discovery and arrest." Also, 8 U.S. Code § 1324 prohibits sheltering illegal aliens from authorities. Breaking these laws can cost up to five years behind bars.

Believe me, we, and the members of the General Assembly, are paying close attention to the activities of the present mayor and Metro Council to see if they violate the law we worked to hard to passed and hold them accountable.

Bobbie Patray

P.S.  If you feel so inclined, you can contact the mayor HERE; the Metro Council members HERE.

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