Monday, September 02, 2019

Nashville rents more affordable than many similar cities nationwide

From Apartment List - As rents have increased moderately in Nashville, a few comparable cities nationwide have also seen rents grow modestly. Nashville is still more affordable than most other large cities across the country. Nashville's median two-bedroom rent of $1,159 is slightly below the national average of $1,191. Nationwide, rents have grown by 1.5% over the past year compared to the 2.8% rise in Nashville. While Nashville's rents rose moderately over the past year, many cities nationwide also saw increases, including Phoenix (+3.7%), Dallas (+2.0%), and New York (+1.7%).

Renters will find more reasonable prices in Nashville than most similar cities. For example, San Francisco has a median 2BR rent of $3,133, which is more than two-and-a-half times the price in Nashville.

 (For the full report, follow this link)

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