Sunday, September 01, 2019

The list of council members who told General Session Judges to not assist ICE with the identification and apprehension of Nashvillians for civil immigration matters.

Colby Sledge, District 17 
CouncilmemberJim Shulman, Vice Mayor 
Bob Mendes, Councilmember-At-Large
Erica Gilmore, Councilmember-At-Large 
Sharon Hurt, Councilmember-At-Large 
John Cooper, Councilmember-At-Large
DeCosta Hastings, District 2  Councilmember 
Brett Withers, District 6 Councilmember 
Anthony Davis, District 7 Councilmember 
Nancy VanReece, District 8 Councilmember 
Bill Pridemore, District 9 Councilmember 
Jeff Syracuse, District 15 Councilmember
Burkley Allen, District 18 Councilmember 
Freddie O’Connell, District 19 Councilmember 
Mary Carolyn Roberts, District 20 Councilmember 
Ed Kindall, District 21 Councilmember  
Mina Johnson, District 23 Councilmember 
Kathleen Murphy, District 24 Councilmember 
Jeremy Elrod, District 26 Councilmember 
Delishia Porterfield, District 29 Councilmember  
Fabian Bedne, District 31 Councilmember 
Antoinette Lee, District 33 Councilmember 
Angie Henderson, District 34 Councilmember 
Sean Parker, District 5 Councilmember-elect  
Tonya Hancock, District 9 Councilmember-elect  
Tom Cash, District 18 Councilmember-elect 
Gloria Hausser, District 22 Councilmember-elect  
John Rutherford, District 31 Councilmember-elect 
Joy Styles, District 32 Councilmember-elect 

The above list of Council members signed the letter directed to  Mr. Warner Hassell, General Sessions Court Administrator, calling "upon you and the General Sessions Judges to ensure that the General Sessions Probation Department immediately ceases assisting ICE with the identification and apprehension of Nashvillians for civil immigration matters."

To read the letter follow this link. 

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1 comment:

  1. Disappointed that Governmental employees tasked with serving have decided that people who broke the law to get into this Country are more important than the citizens born here and/or legally immigrated here. I am sickened by the fact that people tasked with upholding the law have decided to encourage and support law breakers. This Country is a Country of laws and any person using my tax dollars to support their own personal agenda over the laws of this State and Country should immediately resign, in my opinion.
