Friday, September 06, 2019

These "Our Revolution" endorced candiates need to be defeated!

This election season we are seeing more money from outside liberal organizations flowing into Nashville than ever before. Among those organizations are  LGBTQ Victory Fund and WTF (Women for Tennessee's Future) and the Washington DC based organization  Our Revolution.  Unfortunately, the money and political help from the left is not matched by money and help from conservative organization.  I know of no conservative organization trying to influence our elections, but several national or state-wide progressive organizations are doing so.

Among the issues Our Revolutions focuses on is net neutrality, Medicare for All, LGBT Equality, Women's Rights, Racial Justice, Climate Change, A living wage, College Tuition, and Income Inequality. The organizations says of itself, "Our Revolution is built upon the success of Bernie Sanders’ historic presidential campaign, and will continue to thrive with the support of an unprecedented level of grassroots organizers."

 Below are the candidates endorsed by Our Revolution.  These people need to be defeated.  If they win, we can accept the slogan, "San Fransisco of the South."

  • Zulfat Suara, Nashville Metro Council, At-large (Please vote for Steve Glover)
  • Sharon Hurt, Nashville Metro Council, At-large (Please vote for Steve Glover)
  • Ginny Welsch, Nashville Metro Council, District 16  (Please vote for Tony Tenpenny)
  • Emily Benedict, Nashville Metro Council, District 7 (Please vote for Client Camp)
  • Kyonzté Toombs, Nashville Metro Council, District 2 (Please vote for  DeCosta Hastings)
  • Brandon Taylor, Nashville Metro Council, District 21 (Please vote for Councilman Edward T. Kindall)

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