Wednesday, September 04, 2019

TNReady Data Analysis: Nashville’s historically underserved students thrive in public charter schools

2019 TNReady results show economically disadvantaged students, students of color in public charter schools far outpace their peers in district, state 

PRESS RELEASE-  Nashville students who are economically disadvantaged succeed at far higher rates when they attend a public charter school than they do in other public school settings, an analysis of the 2019 TNReady results show. The vast majority of Nashville’s public charter schools are classified as Title 1 schools, which means most of their students are considered economically disadvantaged.

Data from the 2019 TNReady state standardized testing shows that the percentage of economically disadvantaged students in Nashville public charter schools significantly outpaces their peers in all other Nashville public schools. The success rate of economically disadvantaged students in public charter schools is higher than district-managed schools by 50 percent in ELA, 83 percent in math, and 81 percent in social studies. The chart below shows the comparisons:

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