Thursday, September 12, 2019

Update: My endorsements in the September 12th election.

For Mayor
John Cooper
For at-large
Steve Glover
Mayor:  John Cooper

Council member at-large: Steve Glover (I am voting for only one candidate. Here is why.)

Council District 2: Decosta Hastings (A sensible Democrat is better than a radical progressive. His opponent has the support of Our Revolution.)

Council District 7:  Clint Camp (I don't know a lot about Mr Camp but the other candidate has the endorsement of various progressive organizations including Our Revolution.That is reason enough to vote for Client Camp. A diligent search could not locate a picture of Camp.)

Council District 13: Andrew Dixon.(He appears to be a well-qualified,
For District 13
Andrew Dixon
For District 2
Decosta Hastngs
community-minded, sensible  candidate. His opponent has the support of Code Blue PAC, reason enough to to vote for him.)

For District 16
Tony Tenpenny

For District 21
Ed Kindall
Council District 16: Tony Tenpenny (He is a conservative and has been a leader in the effort to save the fairgrounds. Welsch is extremely liberal and if elected will be the most liberal person to ever serve in the Metro Council. She was a founder of the low-power, left-wing radio station, Radio Free Nashville.  She is often seen at left wing protest gatherings advocating the liberal cause of the moment. She has advocated for singled-payer universal health care, a minimum "living wage," and various other liberal causes. Her contributors included LiUNA (Laborers’ International Union of North America) and WTF (Women for Tennessee's Future). She received the endorsement of The Nashville Justice League  and Our Revolution. Those endorsement are reasoon alone to vote against her and vote for Tony Tenpenny.)

Council District 21: Councilman Edward T. Kindall. (He is a known entity,

a reasonable liberal. His opponent has the support of Our Revolution.)
For District 23
Thom Druffel
For District 26
Courtney Johnson

Council District 23: Thom Druffel

Council District 26: Courtney Johnson

Council District 30: Sandra Sepulveda

For District 30
Sandra Sepulveda

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