Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dr. Manny Sethi posts over $800,000, has over $2,000,000 in the bank

Conservative Outsider Brings In Donations From Across the State

Manny Sethi
Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Dr. Manny Sethi, conservative Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, announced today that his campaign brought in $839,000 this quarter, bringing his total to over $2,000,000 cash on hand.

This amount includes donations from nearly 3000 donors, with an average donation of $114. Dr. Sethi also loaned his campaign $500,000.

“Tennesseans want a Conservative Outside, and our strong fundraising numbers prove that,” said Dr. Manny Sethi. “Our grassroots campaign is resonating in every Grand Division of our state. We’re going to keep working hard.”

“Two million dollars in the bank, coupled with leadership in all of the state’s 95 counties, is fantastic for a first-time candidate. We have momentum and we will have the money needed to win,” said Sethi Campaign Chairman Chris Devaney. “It’s Manny vs. The Machine, and Tennesseans get that.

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