Friday, November 01, 2019

At Fairgrounds “Mistakes Were Made” and City Hall Made Them

by Peter White, Tennessee Tribune, Nov. 1, 2019- It’s only a matter of time before the MLS soccer stadium contracts will be voided and put out to bid again. Whether Metro or Nashville SC will suggest another site for soccer instead of the Fairgrounds is unclear.

In court documents, Metro lawyers admitted for the first time last week that the evaluation committees for the stadium contracts were stacked with people who had a vested interest in the outcome. That is a violation of state law and the city’s Procurement rules.

“Metro, to my surprise, actually responded and admitted the only person serving on each of the three evaluation committees who was a Metro employee was Laura Womack,” said Jim Roberts, attorney for Save Our Fairgrounds, a plaintiff in a second lawsuit filed against the city in September.
....also violates a state law, TCA 5-14-108, which prohibits a purchasing agent from delegating duties to a “private actor”....Mayor Megan Barry and her Chief Operating Officer Rich Riebeling were pulling the strings....Mayor Megan Barry and her Chief Operating Officer Rich Riebeling were pulling the strings

Rod's Comment: This is a good summary of the Soccer deal and the effort to destroy the Fairground. Read the full article at this link.

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