Sunday, November 03, 2019

How about a day of remembrance for American military killed in action? For policemen killed in action? For firemen? For babies killed by abortionist? For Americans killed by illegal aliens? For ....

On Tuesday November 5th the Council will be voting on and will almost certainly pass a resolution designating November 20th as Transgender Day of Remembrance. It changes no policy nor spends any money. It simply puts the council on record as recognizing  Transgender Day of Remembrance. Among the reasons for this day being recognized is that reportedly in 2018, twenty-six transgender or "gender non-conforming people" in the United States lost their lived  to violence. We don't know how many of the 26 were killed by jealous lovers or crime-related violence unrelated to their gender non-conforming or how many were killed just because they were hated because they were gender non-conforming.  In any event, it is regrettable.

If the Council is going to go on record declaring a day of remembrance for regrettable loss of lives of different groups, then I have some suggestions for other days of remembrance.

In 2017, 33 military personnel were killed in war zones overseas and in 2016, 26 were killed.  I do not have the figures for the number killed in 2018 but we know some did.  These men and women fight and die, giving their life so we can be live free.  How about a day of remembrance for US military personnel killed in war zones?

Not all servicemen who give their life for their country are active duty. Some die later from PDTS or agent orange or breathing air from contaminated burn pits or from lingering wounds. How about a day of remembrance for veterans who lose their lives due to service-connected a injury or disability?

The only thing standing between us and chaos is that then blue line.  In 2018, 144 police officers lost their lives in the line of duty. How about a day of remembrance for policemen who died in the line of duty?

In 2018, 83 firefighters lost their lives in the line of duty.  These brave men rush into burning buildings and give their lives to save another. How about a day of remembrance for fallen firefighters?

Parenthood killed 321,384 babies last year bringing total killed to over 7.6 Million. How about a day of remembrance for aborted babies? In 2018 there were 36,750 deaths due to motor vehicle accidents. How about a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives in traffic accidents?

In 2018 there were 15 fatal airliner accidents leading to 556 deaths. How about a day or remembrance for people who lost their lives in airliner accidents?

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US.  On average, there are 129 suicides per day. I had an uncle who took his own life. In 2017, 47,173 Americans died by suicide. How about a day of remembrance for those who took their own life?

Using the more conservative definitions of mass shootings, in 2018 mass shootings took the lives of 80 people. How about a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives in mass shootings?

While there isn't a national database tracking how many people are killed by illegal immigrants and while illegal immigrant may have a lower crime rate than that of Americans, every American murdered by an illegal immigrant is a murder that would not have occurred if we prevented illegal immigration. While the estimate of Americans killed by illegal immigrants vary widely, it is in the hundreds or thousands over a several year period. How about a day of remembrance for Americans killed by illegal aliens?

I don't know how many, but a lot of people lose their life due to domestic violence. How about a day of remembrance for them?

I don't know how many but a lot of homeless people die on the streets due to violence or exposure. How about a day of remembrance for them?

Sixteen hundred Americans have just vanished, never to be found, while hiking in parks or national forest. How about a day or remembrance for them?

How about teachers who lost their lives while teaching? I am sure it happened somewhere. How about a day or remembrance for them? 

How about a day of remembrance for drowning victims?

How about a day or remembrance for flagmen working interstate road construction who get killed?

What would we do without truckers who keep America moving and deliver our Amazon purchases? Some truckers die while performing their duties. How about a day of remembrance for truckers who die while working?

How about a day of remembrance for those who die mountain climbing, or  playing sports, or serving as rodeo clowns?

What about all of those who die from various illnesses?  Should we have a day of remembrance for those who die as a result of complications from diabetes? Heart attacks? Cancer? Alzheimer's?

If we are going to have a day or remembrance for transgender people who lost their lives to violence, that leaves 364 days that could be set aside for a day or remembrance for other regrettable deaths, each every bid as deserving as a day of remembrance for the 26 transgender people who lost their lives last year.

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