Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mayor’s Office Convenes Discussions Between Community Oversight Board and Metro Police

Press release - Mayor John Cooper today announced that the Community Oversight Board (COB) and the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) are meeting this week to begin the process of negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding that will specify how the two parties will share information and interact going forward.

“I’ve been a strong supporter of the COB,” said Mayor Cooper. “Nashvillians want and expect the COB and MNPD to work together to strengthen trust and provide accountability. I commend Chief Steve Anderson and the Community Oversight Board for coming together to develop an agreement that works for Nashville.”

Chief Anderson has designated Deputy Chief Mike Hagar to represent MNPD in this discussion process. COB Chair Ashlee Davis has designated Dr. Phyllis Hildreth as the board’s representative. Metro Legal Director Bob Cooper and the Mayor’s Office will convene and facilitate the discussion. Director Cooper will help address any legal issues that may arise.

Mayor Cooper has asked both parties to make a good faith effort to come to an agreement by the end of the year.

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