Friday, November 08, 2019

Tennessee should Recognize Victims of Communism Memorial Day, Metro Council shoud memorialize the state to do so.

On Monday, October 29, Pennsylvania became the ninth state to condemn communist regimes by establishing November 7 as Victims of Communism Memorial Day. Alabama, Arkansas, Utah, and Virginia have passed legislation. Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas are in the process.

Yesterday, November 7, the White House commemorated the National Day for the Victims of Communism by releasing a Presidential Memo.

"This year’s National Day for the Victims of Communism coincides with the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall," wrote President Trump. "As we commemorate this milestone for human rights, we resolve to continue working with our allies and partners to ensure that the flames of freedom keep burning as a beacon of hope and opportunity around the globe."

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) organized a delegation of victims of communism to meet with President Trump in the Oval Office, including Grace Jo, a North Korean defector and Vice President of North Korean Refugees in the USA; Sirley Ávila León, a Cuban activist who was viciously attacked for her criticism of the Castro regime; Nguyễn Ngọc Như Quỳnh, also known as Mother Mushroom, a Vietnamese blogger who was imprisoned by the communist regime for her online activism; and Daniel Di Martino, a college student from Venezuela who has firsthand experience living under the Maduro regime.

In a statement, VOC Executive Director Marion Smith said, "At a time when ignorance of socialism is growing and communist countries like China, Cuba, and North Korea remain threats, we need to be reminded of the one hundred million victims of communism who perished in the past century and the threat to liberty that communism still poses."

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