Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is the "matter styled James Smallwood v. Brenda Ross?"

I don't know.  There are times when something piques my interest and I think, if I headed a news organization and had reporters I would have this looked into, or if I had the time to investigate I would look into this myself

Today at 3PM at a meeting of the Metro Board of Ethical Conduct, item five on the agenda is, "Discussion of matter styled James Smallwood v. Brenda Ross."  A search engine search finds no news about an ethical issue involving these two people.  I don't recall hearing of any ethical issue involving the police and a COB board member.

Brenda Ross is a member of the Community Oversight Board and a retired East Nashville activist who has served on several mayoral-appointed commissions over the years. James Smallwood is president of the Nashville Fraternal Order of Police.

Ever since the establishment of the Community Oversight Board their has been tension  between the Police Department and the Board. The Police have complained that the COP request massive amounts of documentation from the police, and the COP complain the police are not responsive to their request for information. You can read about the conflicts between the COP and the police at this link, this link,and this link and do a search for more. 

In all of the time I have wasted trying to find out more about the ethical issue between these two individuals, I have found nothing. Did Ross file the complaint or Smallwood?  If anyone has knowledge about what this is about, please share it. If one know what is going on but doesn't want to publicly state it, please contact me by phone, FB messenger or email.  My email address is Inquiring minds want to know.

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