Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How the Council voted on A Resolution recognizing December 1, 2019 as World AIDS Day in Nashville.

At the December 3rd Council meeting the Council passed a resolution recognizing December 1, 2019 as World AIDS Day in Nashville. The month before we had recognized a Transsexual Day of Remembrance and of course in the summer we have the gay pride event and a resolution so honoring gays and it wasn't long ago the city erected historical markers honoring two of the earliest gay bars in Nashville. It seems to me are giving an awful lot of attention to gay issues in Nashville.

AIDS, of course, is a terrible disease and there is nothing wrong with recognizing a World Aids Day.  However, if we are going to do so, I think we should have an Alzheimer's Day of Remembrance, and a Heart Health Day of Remembrance, and a Cancer Day of Remembrance, and a Breast Cancer Day of Remembrance and Autism Day of Remembrance, and Death due to Drunk Drivers day of Remembrance, and Aborted Babies Day of Remembrance, and Americans killed by Illegal Aliens Day of Remembrance, etc, etc.. There are 365 days a year and there are plenty of illnesses and causes and events as worthy of a day of remembrance as is AIDS.  However, those other days were not on the agenda and AIDS Day was.  If the advocates of those other causes approach Council members to ask for a special day for their cause, the Council probably grant it.

The resolution passed on a roll call vote, with 34 in favor, no abstentions and no "no" votes. I am pleased that it did not pass "on consent." A resolution that no one has asked to be taken off of consent and that gets no negative votes in committee is lumped together with a bunch of other resolutions and they are all passed by a single vote and everyone present is assumed to have voted in favor. I do not know who gets the credit for getting this resolution bumped off of consent but someone had to ask for that to happen.

Here are the results of the roll call vote: Yes (34); Mendes, Allen, Steve Glover, Suara, Toombs, Gamble, Robert Swope, Parker, Withers, Benedict, VanReece, Hancock, Evans, Bradford, Rhoten, Syracuse, Welsch, Sledge, Cash, O'Connell, Roberts, Taylor, Hausser, Thom Druffel, Courtney Johnston, Robert Nash, Vercher, Porterfield, Sepulveda, Rutherford, Styles, Lee, Henderson and Rosenberg.
No (0);
Abstain (0).

No one was absent for the full meeting, so six people did not vote. Not voting is different than voting "abstain."  One has to push the "abstain" button to be recorded as abstaining.  If someone left the room or arrived late or left early or simply sat on their hands they are not listed as having voted. I do not, of course, know why those who did not vote for this resolution did not do so.

I don't find fault with those who voted for this resolution. After all it seems cold hearted not to sympathize with those who suffer from this terrible illness. Also a memorializing resolution actually does nothing except express the opinion of those who voted for it.  If I were serving in the Council I would not have voted "no," but would most likely have simply not voted.  Not, that I do not think AIDS is a terrible illness and hope for a cure,  but following last months Transgender Day of Remembrance, it appears there is a concerted effort to promote a gay agenda.

The people who did not vote for this resolution are Sharon Hurt, Johnathan Hall, Zack Young, Larry Hager. Kathleen Murphy, and Russ Pulley. 

Hurt and Young were sponsors of the resolution so maybe they really did have to go the bathroom; maybe all six did.

This is the text of the resolution:

Resolution RS2019-128

A Resolution recognizing December 1, 2019 as World AIDS Day in Nashville.

WHEREAS, the global HIV/AIDS pandemic is recognized annually on December 1, and we take this day to reflect on the impact HIV has had on our friends and families, to remember those we have lost, and to acknowledge that with access to medication and stigma-free services the goal of eradicating HIV from our city is realistic; and

WHEREAS, the LGBTQ Caucus and the Minority Caucus of the Metro Council understands that even while those living with medically-managed HIV experience good health and a high-quality of life, stark inequities in outcomes remain and will require an intentional, community-driven approach to improve HIV outcomes for all, regardless of age, gender, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socio-economic circumstance; and

WHEREAS, there were 146 diagnoses of HIV in Davidson County in 2017, with more than 4,000 residents living with diagnosed HIV and an estimated 720 additional residents living with HIV but unaware of their status; and

WHEREAS, more than 120 stakeholders dedicated their time and energy to a year-long community planning process that culminated in the February 2019 release of the Nashville Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan with five-year goals to:

• Ensure that 90% of residents living with HIV know their serostatus

• Decrease by 2/3rds the number of residents with newly-acquired HIV

• Link 90% of those diagnosed with HIV to care within one month of diagnosis

• Engage 90% of people with HIV in care

• Ensure that 90% of those engaged in care will achieve viral suppression

• Eliminate disparities in HIV outcomes among all populations; and

WHEREAS, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a medication that prevents exposure to HIV, is now available at the Metro Public Health Department (MPHD), the first health department in the state to have a clinic dedicated to offering the antiretroviral medication; and

WHEREAS, the Nashville Board of Health and MPHD strongly support the Prevention Access Campaign’s national Undetectable = Untransmittable public information campaign to raise awareness and educate the public that a person living with HIV who is on treatment and has an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV through sex; and

WHEREAS, all Davidson County residents are urged to talk to their doctor about HIV, including unsafe sex and injection drug risks and, as appropriate, seek HIV testing services; and

WHEREAS, medical and other healthcare providers in Davidson County are encouraged to discuss HIV risk factors and protective interventions, testing information and treatment options with patients at a high risk of HIV exposure.


Section 1. That the Metropolitan Council hereby goes on record as officially recognizing December 1, 2019 as World AIDS Day in Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County.

Section 2. This resolution shall take effect from and after its passage, the welfare of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County requiring it.


Nancy VanReece, Brett Withers, Zachary Young, Emily Benedict, Russ Bradford, Sharon Hurt, Bob Mendes, Freddie O'Connell, Erin Evans

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