Thursday, December 12, 2019

Nashville gets state approval for budget after officials outline financial fixes

The Tennessean-..... To fill the gap, the city will use:

  • $12.6 million from a PILOT with Music City Center; 
  • $10 million from a PILOT with Metro Water Services; 
  • $7.2 million from refinancing of Metro Development and Housing Agency payments; 
  • $3.6 million from debt reimbursement from the Convention & Visitors Corp;
  • and $500,000 from program reimbursement from the Davidson County Sheriff's Office and the U.S. Marshals Service. 
The remaining will be filled with an estimated $2.6 million in targeted savings and deferrals in spending from Metro departments and the $5 million cut to the Barnes Fund for Affordable Housing, which the administration announced last week.

"I have very good news to report," Crumbo said Wednesday, telling council members that state Comptroller Justin Wilson approved the plan he submitted earlier in the day. (Read More)

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