Friday, December 06, 2019

State Rep. William Lamberth Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

Rep. William Lamberth
Press release, NASHVILLE, Dec. 5, 2019 -- The Tennessee office of NFIB, the state’s leading small business advocacy organization, today presented its coveted Guardian of Small Business award to state Rep. William Lamberth (District 44), Tennessee’s House Majority Leader.

NFIB made the presentation today at the Gallatin Noon Rotary Club. The Guardian of Small Business award is the most prestigious honor that NFIB bestows on legislators in recognition of their efforts to support small business. The NFIB Tennessee Leadership Council, an advisory board comprised of NFIB members, voted to present the award to the legislator for his outstanding leadership on small-business issues.

“William Lamberth has been an exceptionally strong friend of small business since the day he was elected,” NFIB State Director Jim Brown said. “Leader Lamberth not only has a phenomenal voting record with NFIB, but also has worked diligently to protect our state’s job creators. His leadership has been integral in promoting a stable and predictable environment for Tennessee’s entrepreneurs.” “It’s a tremendous honor to receive the Guardian of Small Business award from NFIB, which was the first organization to endorse my candidacy in 2012,” said Lamberth, a longtime NFIB member.

“Small businesses are the backbone of my district and they drive our statewide economy. I remain committed to supporting them so they can operate on a level playing field and have the resources needed to succeed.” Lamberth serves on the Calendar & Rules, Judiciary, Finance, Ways & Means, Government Operations, and Joint Pensions & Insurance committees, the Criminal Justice and Judiciary & Government subcommittees, and the Select Committee on Rules and Select Committee on Ethics.

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