Thursday, December 19, 2019

TNGOP Statement On The Vote To Impeach President Donald Trump

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden released the following statement on the vote to impeach President Donald Trump:  

"Today is a truly sad day for America. Not because a president was impeached, however reckless and lacking in evidence, but because the assault continues on the bedrock principles and institutions of our government by left-wing, progressive Democrats. The impeachment of President Trump began well over two years ago, with the flames stoked by a media that recounted every detail of alleged Russian collusion, the Mueller Report, and Rep. Adam Schiff's 'evidence' that amounted to the complete exoneration of President Trump. Democrats have met in secret basements, denied opposition witnesses, selectively leaked and lied, and abandoned all reason in order to impeach the President on primetime TV the week before Christmas. But make no mistake: 2020 will be the most important election in the history of our nation when the American people will render their ultimate judgement on the disgraceful actions of this sad day."

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