Thursday, February 06, 2020

1st Tuesday guest speaker for Feb 11th is John Ryder

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY Members, Friends and Guests !

The classic proverb... ''MAY YOU LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES'' ...certainly applies NOW!

The Super Bowl in Miami is already a distant memory. The Senate has concluded ''the (Bull-Schiff) show''. And who can believe the DEM primaries ??? And then at the State of The Union address, Trump sparkled while Nancy fumed. 

Many expect the fall out to start raining down soon. But what will it look like ?
AND NO DOUBT .... the REAL Super Bowl of 2020 has kicked off and is beginning to speed towards Election Day !

Sooooo ... WHO  ... you ask can not only put ALL these happening into perspective, has mega-contacts and knew what was going on behind the scenes in Washington DC, is in the loop on the Party's internal polling AND can truly discuss what is likely coming next ???? 

Given his political experience and vast legal background as the prior Chief Legal Counsel for The Republican National Committee, JOHN RYDER is just 1 of the few people who can bring context to the myriad of Legal, Political and Constitutional ramifications into focus.  Especially with years of access to the key elected players and access to the best polling from the RNC and at State levels across the country, the information John has to share will mesmerize you !

Join us on Tuesday, FEB 11th, when our ''political GURU of TN '' returns to 1ST TUESDAY for a day to remember!  

As usual, our Events for 2020 Members are $20 and $25 for Guests. Doors at Waller Law open at 11:00 with lunch at starting at 11:25. Program starts at Noon. Expect an AMAZING Q&A Session to conclude at 1:00 sharp !

Secure seating for you and those you wish to ''mesmerize'' via our 1ST TUESDAY website at Home | Firsttuesdaynash 
Pass the word and plan to join us for what will be a day to remember!

I look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday, FEB 11th at 1ST TUESDAY !

Tim Skow

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