Thursday, February 20, 2020

Chairman Smithson Steps Down from DCRP

Press release - After over seven years of service to the Davidson County Republican Party, Chairman Melissa Smithson announced her resignation effective February 15, 2020.

"After considerable thought, it is with great sadness that I resign as Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. Standing up for conservative causes in our city will always be my priority, but family circumstances at this time require my full attention," said Ms. Smithson. "I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve and am proud of the work we have accomplished to grow the Nashville Republican Party. I know the members of the DCRP will continue to push the conservative agenda and vision forward. I hope in the future to be actively involved again and be an advocate for local issues."

Ms. Smithson has been a long-time activist in local Republican politics, including serving as the 2016 Trump Campaign County Co-Chair, and as a candidate for Council District 28. Ms. Smithson was part of the grassroots organization Save Our Fairgrounds and with StopAmp, serving as communication and social media director, and helped lead the NoTax4Tracks movement.

Rod's Comment: Melissa had done a great job leading the Davidson County Republican Party.  It has to be a frustrating job leading the Republican effort in a heavily Democratic county like this one. I wish Melissa well as she cares for her aging father and in all her endevors.

Melissa, Best wishes and may God bless you.

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