Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Major League Soccer is squeezing out Nashville Fairgrounds events that voters supported

by Shane Smiley, Guest Columnist, The Tennessean, Feb.11, 2020 - ... Placing MLS at the Fairgrounds is attempting to stuff a large venue in a place that is utilized to build dreams for others. Many of our events utilize the entire property. MLS needs its own venue to grow and thrive. The Fairgrounds needs the same for our events to grow and thrive. Squeezing down the existing events to accommodate another large scale venue is counter productive to the potential and success of any of the entities.

Remember, The Fairgrounds was presented as the only option to the ownership group by past city leaders with a long term goal of doing away with the existing events and Fairgrounds needs the same for our events to grow and thrive. Squeezing down the existing events to accommodate another large scale venue is counter productive to the potential and success of any of the entities.

Remember, The Fairgrounds was presented as the only option to the ownership group by past city leaders with a long term goal of doing away with the existing events and redeveloping the property, in spite of the nearly 71% who voted against redevelopment in the 2011 referendum. The Fairgrounds proposal violates the charter in numerous ways. The new expo takes the Flea Market from 2,000 booths to 1,400: A 30% reduction with no room for growth.

Shane Smiley is a board member of The Nashville Flea Market Vendors Association. Read the full article at this link

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