Friday, February 07, 2020

NFIB, Beacon Center, Americans for Prosperity, others to rally for "no taxation on my occupation."

NFIB press release, NASHVILLE (Feb. 7, 2020) – NFIB, the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization, will partner with other business groups at the State Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 11, and urge lawmakers to repeal Tennessee’s onerous professional privilege tax. Other groups taking part in the “No Taxation on My Occupation” lobby day include the Beacon Center of Tennessee, Americans for Prosperity-Tennessee, Americans for Tax Reform, the Tennessee Medical Association, Tennessee Bar Association, and NAIFA Tennessee.

The coalition’s lobby day will begin with a rally in the state Senate chamber at 8 a.m. Invited speakers include Lt. Gov. Randy McNally and House Speaker Cameron Sexton. Following the rally, coalition members will meet with their legislators and urge them to vote “yes” on Governor Lee’s administration legislation, Senate Bill 2201/House Bill 2268.

Professionals from across Tennessee also will engage senators in Senate Hearing Room II at 11 a.m. Last year, the General Assembly eliminated the privilege tax on 15 professions but kept it in place for financial planners, doctors, and lawyers. The legislation would reduce the remaining $400 privilege tax to $200.

“Governor Lee’s proposed legislation is an excellent step in the right direction to full repeal of this unfair, arbitrary tax,” said Jim Brown, the National Federation of Independent Business' state director for Tennessee. “No professional should be taxed simply to go to work.”

To learn more about the “No Taxation on My Occupation” coalition, visit To learn more about NFIB in Tennessee, visit and follow @NFIB_TN on Twitter.

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