Monday, March 30, 2020

75% of Vehicles Stolen Last Week Taken with Keys. Don't be an idiot! Don't leave keys in the car.

Metro press release, 3-25-2020 - A review of stolen vehicle reports in Nashville from Sunday, March 15 through Saturday, March 21, shows that 75% of the automobiles taken (39 of 52) were easy targets because the keys were left inside or made available to thieves.

Four of the 52 vehicles stolen were left running without the driver present. During this reporting time period, a total of ten guns were stolen during vehicle burglaries; five of those vehicles were left unlocked.

So far this year, at least 159 guns have been reported stolen from vehicles. The police department’s continuing PARK SMART campaign strongly urges citizens to lock their automobile doors, secure any valuables---including guns, and REMOVE THE KEYS.

Rod's comment: If you leave your car unlocked and your keys in the ignition or the keys over the sun visor, you are an idiot.  If your car is stolen, you will get no sympathy from me.

I am a supporter of the Second Amendment, but people who leave a gun in an unlocked car and then that gun is used to kill someone, should have some liability.

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