Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A cause worth supporting: Help pro-life cursader David Daleiden defend criminal charges against him and stand for pro-life free speech.

by Rod Williams - If you are like me, you are constantly getting  bombarded with request to support causes and candidates for office. Once you are on a list your name must be sold numerous times.  I get so many request it is annoying.  One has to be selective about which causes you support. I can't support every cause but this is a cause I think is worth supporting. Those who take bold actions to save lives or stand for liberty need the support of the conservative community.

David Daleiden  went undercover for three years and exposed Planned Parenthood's practice of selling baby parts.  Via undercover video and thousands of pages of primary source documents, he documented Planned Parenthood’s sale of fetal tissue.  California's Kamela Harris led the fight to punish Daleiden for his effort, he was fined and California's ninth circuit upheld the fine.  Worse than the fine, are ten felony charges pending against him which could lead to up to ten years in prison. Also he has been prohibited from releasing any more of the information he has exposing Planned Parenthood.

The Thomas More Society is defending Daleiden.  Thomas More is a respected public interest non-profit law firm. They have a silver certificate of transparency from Guidestar and a 77 out of 100 rating from Charity Navigator.  Another way to support Daleiden is to contribute through his Go Fund Me page. Below is the fundraising  solicitation. Please join me in supporting this hero of the pro-life movement.

Dear Friend,

Without your immediate action, the State of California could permanently silence one of the most influential pro-life advocates in America… and millions of preborn and newborn babies will be torn apart limb by limb and left to die.
You see, journalist David Daleiden – who famously exposed Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts to the highest bidder – has been arraigned on 10 felony charges stemming from his undercover investigation.

Not only does David face a decade in a state penitentiary if a San Francisco jury convicts him.  But he’s prohibited from releasing the rest of his incriminating evidence against Planned Parenthood due to “gag order” injunctions in place from two separate civil lawsuits.

Never before has an undercover journalist been silenced like this.

Then again, never before has one person held the key to rocking the abortion industry’s world.

Will you stand with us today to defend David Daleiden and pro-life speech in America?

My name is Tom Brejcha. I'm the President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society – a not-for-profit law firm underwriting and helping to spearhead David Daleiden's civil and criminal defense.

The Thomas More Society is proud to defend many of the most renowned leaders in America's pro-life movement – because when dark forces like Planned Parenthood unleash their full might to legally, financially and personally destroy our clients – we fight back.

But in this case, we’re in real danger of jurors delivering Solomonic-type justice – a “split verdict” – that would result in David spending time in a prison cell.

All because this young man had the courage to lead an undercover investigation that captured video evidence of the abortion goliath conspiring to illegally harvest and sell aborted baby body parts.

Now we’re going to need to put on an over-the-top defense to make sure jurors are not pressured to “compromise” and convict David of even one of the charges.

So if you agree it’s absolutely outrageous that David is the one facing criminal charges and hard time in a state penitentiary – rather than Planned Parenthood’s executives…

…then I pray you’ll make an emergency donation to help us defend David and other pro-life heroes today.

You see, altogether David has been sued or prosecuted six times!

We already defeated a two-count felony and misdemeanor criminal case in Houston and another nasty civil case brought by a baby body parts broker, Stem Express, in Los Angeles was dismissed.

And right now we’re defending David in three other active cases:
  • A civil lawsuit filed by the National Abortion Federation in federal court in San Francisco.  (A preliminary “gag order” injunction prohibits David from releasing more of his videos exposing Planned Parenthood.)
  • A separate civil lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood in federal court in San Francisco.  (Late last year a jury found David liable and awarded the abortion giant $1.4 million in damages on racketeering charges and $870,000 in punitive damages.  We are appealing this verdict!)
  • A civil lawsuit filed by anonymous Planned Parenthood personnel in federal court in Seattle, Washington.  (We won our first appeal and now our second appeal in that case remains pending and undecided.)
But despite all that David is facing, his spirits remain high.

In fact, I know he sees this criminal case as yet another opportunity to drag more of Planned Parenthood's dark criminality into the spotlight.

My friend, that's what David set out to do – and that's what you and I can make sure he continues doing by winning this legal battle.

Now I'll get right down to it... We anticipate David's legal defense will cost us more than $5,000,000. That's right, FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.

That’s why I’m asking you to prayerfully consider a generous, tax-deductible gift of $30, $50, $100 or more today.

Planned Parenthood has millions of dollars to spend on lawyers and lobbyists – and they'll stop at nothing to silence David and prevent the truth from coming out.

So no matter how large or small your donation today, it will be put to immediate use as we go head-to-head with the biggest players in the abortion industry in the courtroom.

It's a grave injustice that David is the one being hit with felony charges while Planned Parenthood (so far, at least) has gone unprosecuted and unpunished.

But by clearing David of these charges... you and I can allow him to continue with his incredibly important life-saving work.

So please follow this link to make your emergency contribution of $30 or more today.

I know David will be deeply touched and encouraged by your generous support.

May God bless you,

Tom Brejcha

Tom Brejcha
President & Chief Counsel
P.S. This truly is a "David versus Goliath" type of battle.  Planned Parenthood and their allies want to destroy our “David.” They'd love to see him rotting away in prison rather than exposing their criminal, ghoulish activities. You and I cannot let that happen.  Please follow this link to make your best contribution of $30 or more to stop this attempt to crush David Daleiden and pro-life speech in America.

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