Sunday, March 01, 2020

Due to Shawn Joseph's mistakes, new settlements put MNPS sexual harassment bills near $2 million.

by Phil Williams, NewsChannel 5 - Almost a year after Dr. Shawn Joseph resigned as Nashville's director of schools, taxpayers are still paying for his administration's mishandling of sexual harassment allegations. NewsChannel 5 Investigates has discovered that, in the last month, the Metro School Board has quietly approved settlements of nearly a million dollars in just two lawsuits. The total bill for the district's sexual harassment scandal, first exposed by NewsChannel 5, is now approaching $2 million. (read more)

Rod's Comment: Please read the story. Joseph ignored complaint and did not follow accepted practices for dealing with complaints and now we are paying the price.  Money that could be going to fund teacher raises and provide funding for teachers so they would not have to pay out of their pocket for classroom needs, is instead going to settle lawsuits.

Joseph was a disaster.  He engaged in insider deals to benefit his friends, the quality of education suffered, he was autocratic and arrogant and he mismanaged resources.  The only reason that I can see that he was retained as long as he was is that he was Black. We are plagued by so much political correctness and white guilt that Blacks are not held to the same level of accountability as they would be if they were White.

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