Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Metro closes dog parks and imposes other restrictions on park use.

Metro press release - While it is important for residents to have safe and viable recreational options, it also is a priority of Parks & Recreation to help flatten the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, too many people are gathering in large groups at certain recreational facilities in the city.
Out of an abundance of caution and safety and with the guidance from the Metro Health Department, as of today (3/25), we are closing all playgrounds, dog parks, basketball courts, tennis courts, picnic shelters, and skate parks.  These facilities will be closed to the public until further notice. Metro Parks and the Health Department discourages any type of activity that would negatively impact social distancing protocol.

Parks, greenways, trails and golf courses will remain open, however social distancing is expected and required.  Please note: golf club houses are closed, which means concessions, restrooms and cart rentals are not available.

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