Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tennessee shut down, tonight through April 14th. See Gov. Bill Lee COVID-19 Bulletin 9:

Press release, March 31, 2020  - Today, Governor Bill Lee provided an update on Tennessee’s efforts regarding COVID-19 relief. Gov. Lee’s daily press conferences can be viewed live each day this week at 3 p.m. CDT here. Gov. Lee has also established a website specific to COVID-19 updates which can be found here.

Key Updates

Statewide Safe at Home Order
Tonight at 11:59 p.m. the statewide safer at home order begins which restricts businesses that cannot possibly safely operate during COVID-19. Businesses like barber shops, salons, recreational and entertainment outfits are to remain closed until April 14, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

The order, at the same time, provides for the continuation of essential businesses throughout every county. More information regarding essential businesses is available here. Tennesseans in non-essential roles are urged to stay at home during this time.

PPE Procurement and Distribution
25 companies and universities have made significant donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the State of Tennessee to assist health care workers and those on the front lines

These donations, in conjunction with the aggressive supply procurement of Unified-Command has enabled the administration to connect with all 95 counties, assess needs and mobilize supplies.

Companies and non-profits who are ready to help with supplies and other innovations are urged to contact Launch Tennessee. Since the announcement yesterday, Unified Command’s partnership with Launch Tennessee has already netted 100 companies who are willing to get to work in fighting this pandemic.

Data Communication

Unified Command in conjunction with the Department of Health will be releasing three new numbers in the daily reporting: negative results by county, projected number of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 and deaths identified by county. This information is available here.

Administration Actions

Mental Health Support
To serve individuals who need professional behavioral health help during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tennessee’s behavioral health providers and the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services have been working closely over recent weeks to ensure seamless delivery of services.

These groups have been working to expand telehealth services, implement daily conference calls to address needs as they arise, and increase collaboration to procure necessary PPE for front-line mental health workers who continue to interface with patients.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services has awarded Tennessee a grant to provide mobile behavioral health care units for rural counties in East and West Tennessee. These mobile units will expand services Tennessee provides through partnerships with non-profits.

Tennessee’s front-line crisis services system is well-equipped to meet the needs of Tennesseans. Available resources include a 24-7 crisis phone line (855-CRISIS-1 or 855-274-7471), mobile crisis for both adults and children and youth, crisis walk-in centers, crisis stabilization units, and crisis respite.

To meet the ongoing/non-emergency mental health needs of Tennesseans who are uninsured and have no means to pay, the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and 15 community behavioral health providers offer the Behavioral Health Safety Net which meets the essential mental health needs of Tennesseans 18 years of age and older who are at or below 138% Federal Poverty Level. These vital services are available in all 95 counties.

For more information on COVID-19 in Tennessee, please visit the Tennessee Department of Health’s website here.

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1 comment:

  1. Sad/funny thing is masks will probably make it to the general population about the time this thing settles down.
