Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bill Hagerty's service on the task force to reopen the economy inspires confidence.

by Rod Williams - Bill Hagerty, former Director of Tennessee's Department of Economic and Community Development and former Ambassador to Japan, has been appointed by President Trump to serve on the task force charged with ending the lock down and getting America back to work.  In this interview, he says it is time, that we cannot have an extended period of a shutdown of the American economy. He says the president is keeping our health and safety at the forefront but is laying out a "measured path" to reopen the economy.

The Paycheck Protection Program makes loans to small business impacted by this crisis to keep them afloat. It quickly ran out of the $350 billion allocated for the program.  Hagerty says we need to immediately approve more funding for the program. He says, "We need it and we need it now."  He says Leader McConnell put forth a clean bill days ago to simply add more dollars to the program but Democrats are "holding the economy hostage" to pad the program with pet projects the same way they did when the original bill was passed.

Bill Hagerty speaks with passion but presents a calm rational advocacy for opening the economy and getting it right. His service on this task force inspires confidence.

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