Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Councilman Steve Glover says, "wrong time to talk about a substanitial tax increase."

Steve Glover
Yesterday in his annual State of Metro address, Mayor Cooper made the case for a tax increase. He said Nashville must focus only on the essentials, freeze raises, and put a lot of the city's needs, which he would like to address, on hold.  Still, he says, Nashville cannot balance its budget without a substantial tax increase.  Metro's revenues will be down some $200 to $300 million in the first quarter alone due to the shutdown.

Councilman at-large Steve Glover says, not so fast. He called the announcement tone-deaf, saying it’s not the community’s job to clean up Metro’s financial mess. “We need to understand the impact to the people,” says Glover. “We’re talking about taking money out of their pocket. People are hurting right now. This was the wrong time to talk about a substantial tax increase.” (link)

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