Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Institute for Justice joins the fight to rescue kids from Tennessess's worst schools.

The Institute for Justice has joined the lawsuit to defend educational choice in Tennessee.

It is intervening on behalf of two parents, Natu Bah and Builguissa Diallo, to defend the program from a lawsuit challenging its constitutionality.  IJ explains: 
The program provides scholarships worth up to $7,300 to families from Shelby County and Metro Nashville school districts to send their children to private schools.
To be eligible, children must come from households earning less than 200 percent of the federal free lunch program, which means there’s an income cap of about $67,000 for a family of four. As a result, 60% of Nashville and Shelby County families are eligible1. The program would be capped at 15,000 students but could be expanded by future legislation.
On February 6, 2020,  Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced a lawsuit against the program on behalf of Davidson County, Shelby County, and the Metropolitan Nashville Board of Public Education alleging that the program violates the Tennessee Constitution.
There is more on this case at this link and the story of the parents IJ is defending is below.

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