Thursday, April 23, 2020

Mayor Cooper announces Roadmap for Reopening

From Mayor John Cooper - We know you are concerned about coronavirus (COVID-19) and what it means for you and your loved ones.

The Metropolitan Government of Nashville has created this website to help you understand the disease and answer your questions. We will update it regularly as new information becomes available.

Nashville is known as a city that cares for each other in difficult times, and we will do the same now. The sooner we take action to prevent the spread of this virus, the sooner we can return to normal life in Nashville.

I urge everyone to visit this website regularly for the latest coronavirus information and to stay
updated on Metro’s coordinated response to keep all Nashvillians healthy and safe.

Roadmap for Reopening Nashville
The City of Nashville has created a plan to reopen. This plan has been created in cooperation with health, business and community partners in Nashville.

The hard truth is that our city will be living with COVID-19 until there is an effective vaccine for the virus. Living with COVID-19 means returning to work with COVID-19.

We must proceed carefully to ensure we do not create a surge that will send us all back home. Nashville’s economy will open in four phases. We will only move to the next phase if there is positive improvement/stability in the metrics for 14 days.

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