Thursday, April 30, 2020

Vice Mayor Announces Plan For May 5 Council Virtual Public Hearing

Metro press release - Vice Mayor Jim Shulman has announced a plan for holding a virtual public hearing for the May 5, 2020, Metro Council Meeting. Details of the plan and participation instructions can be found on the Metro Council Virtual Council Meetings page.

The plan will allow members of the public to provide public comment during the meeting using their telephones from the comfort of their own homes. Members of the public wishing to speak on matters posted for public hearing may call 629-255-1931 toll free to provide live input when the agenda item is called up during the course of the meeting.

Download Virtual Participation in Council Meeting Guide

“Although we are meeting remotely, the business of the Council must continue, and that includes the consideration of zoning legislation,” Shulman said. “I’d like to thank Metro ITS Director Keith Durbin and the Metro Information Technology Services team for all of their hard work in helping us put this plan together. I am confident that the plan and process in place will provide ample opportunity for the public to make their voices heard.”

The May 5, 2020 Council meeting agenda has 46 zoning bills that were advertised for public hearing. However, the Council Office has been polling the sponsors of the legislation and it is anticipated that the following matters will be deferred prior to holding the public hearing: 

Hall: BL2020-132,  BL2020-133,  BL2020-139,  BL2020-140,  BL2020-257
Toombs: BL2019-69, BL2020-212, BL2020-215,  BL2020-218
Swope: BL2020-264
Rhoten: BL2020-261
Welsch: BL2020-211, BL2020-265
Taylor: BL2020-210, BL2020-269
Vercher: Sub BL2020-197
Sepulveda: BL2020-195
Henderson: BL2020-188
Rosenberg: Second Sub BL2019-48
Sledge: BL2020-213, BL2020-262

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