Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mayor John Cooper Signs Executive Order 7, Requiring Face Coverings in All Metro Buildings as Part of Citywide COVID-19 Response

Metro press release - Mayor Cooper today signed Executive Order 7, which requires all employees and visitors to wear a face covering inside any building or indoor space that is owned, managed, or leased by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.

“The health and well-being of all Metro employees and the residents who visit our facilities is of paramount importance,” said Mayor Cooper. “Executive Order 7 is an important tool in our citywide COVID-19 response. But I want to remind everyone to continue wearing face coverings in all public settings, keep a safe distance from others, and frequently wash your hands. A coordinated response is the best response, so we must remain united in our efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus and ensure a sustained economy reopening throughout Davidson County.”

Metro employees working alone in their offices or workspaces are exempted from the requirements listed in the executive order. Also exempt from the order are:

  • Children under the age of two; 
  • Older children who are unable to wear a mask properly or safely; 
  • Persons who would jeopardize their health or safety by wearing a face covering; and 
  • Persons who request an exemption based on individual circumstances. 
Individuals visiting a Metro facility who do not have a face covering will be provided one, subject to availability. For more information about Executive Order 7, please visit covid19.nashville.gov.

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