Saturday, May 02, 2020

Metro Council Member at-Large Steve Glover Weighs in on Mayor Cooper’s Plan to Raise Davidson County Property Taxes By 32 Percent

by Rod Williams - This is an interview of Councilman Steve Glover by Michael Patrick Leahy, broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC on Wednesday morning of this week. Glover says he disagrees with the mayor's position that no Metro employees should be laid off as a result of the budget shortfall resulting from the Corona virus crisis.  He points out that many people in the private sector have been laid off and more will lose their jobs as a result of the downturn in the economy and that Metro employees should not be exempt from facing lay offs also.  He says taking lay offs, off the table is the wrong approach. I certainly agree with him.

Glover explains the difficulty of passing an alternative budget. Unless the Council can come up with an alternative budget that can get the support of 21 Council members, the mayor's budget becomes the city budget by default.  To see the transcript of the interview or listen to the interview follow this link.

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