Friday, May 29, 2020

Nashville to continue sharing patient health data with police.

The Tennessean - Nashville will continue to share a list of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 with law enforcement and other first responders, as Metro Health Director Dr. Michael Caldwell says he is "puzzled" by the state reversing its policy of sharing patient data. ... Mayor John Cooper and Office of Emergency Management Director Chief William Swann stood in support of Caldwell and the city's policy Thursday, ... (link)

Metro Nashville data share draws controversy with Metro Councilmembers
 Heated exchange between council members and Metro health officials ensues on weekly conference call

Tennessee Outlook - A conference call between Nashville health officials and council members on Thursday revealed a deep and continuing divide over the city’s practice of sharing names and addresses of COVID-19 positive individuals with law enforcement. In one of the most heated moments of the 40-minute call, Dr. Alex Jahangir — chair of Nashville health department known for his calm delivery in daily COVID-19 briefings — angrily suggested that Council Member Freddie O’Connell pay for his own constituents’ testing at private labs if they were discouraged from seeking public testing. (link)

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