Thursday, May 21, 2020

Phase 2 Reopening starts Monday May 25

by Rod Williams - This would appear to allow Lower Broad to reopen.  I am not absolutely certain but believe that there are no "bars" on Lower Broad.  As far as I know all of the places on lower Broad serve liquor by the drink and bars cannot.  I think most of the establishments are "limited service restaurants." So while they may open, since most of their income is from the sale of alcohol and not the sale of food, they probably can't make enough money at 3/4 capacity.  I don't know what is there legal capacity, but I would bet that the honky tonks on lower Broad are  routinely at double or triple legal capacity on any weekend night and most week nights.  Just try to walk through Tootsies without body contact with other patrons. During the day you may be able to, but is impossible on a weekend evening.  I am not complaining.  I like the party atmosphere. Well, I liked it better when I was younger. However, I still don't mind it occasionally.   If I have unintended body contact with some hot young babe, I just put up with it and try not to be offended.

So while, the bars may be allowed to open; 3/4th capacity. no dancing, and only two performers on stage is not going to cut it.  Lower Broad cannot operate under these conditions.  I hope they do try it and push the limits and see what they can get by with.  In the mean time, I hope a lawsuit curtails the power of government of government to impose these kinds of limits on people. I think health official should educate and recommend but people should make their own decision as to what is an acceptable risk.  Rock climbing is dangerous. Bungee jumping is dangerous. Skiing can be dangerous. Riding motorcycles can be dangerous. Should these activities be prohibited?

When lower Broad does reopen, I won't be going.  I am in the age group that is vulnerable. Face it- I'm old!  If I were young and feeling invincible and actually at much less risk of catching the illness and more chance recovering itf I did get it, then I would be there.  I love lower Broad. Since I am my current age, I am not going to be the guinea pig and see how contagious this virus really is.  I am going to maintain isolation and evaluate the risk as time goes by and absorb more information as it becomes available.  I have taken some risk in my life and  I am not one to live in fear, but at the same time, I am prudent.

So, while I won't be going to lower Broadway soon, or to the grocery store, or to New Orleans to see my daughter and new grandbaby, I want the right to, if I should want to. It is time to reopen America and let people evaluate the risk for themselves.

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