Thursday, May 07, 2020

The mayor's office held budget "hearings," not "discussions," this year. Council begins hearings on May 11.

by Rod Williams - I am pleased to see the mayor's office held budget "hearings," not budget "discussions," this year.  When Mayor Barry was elected she changed the terminology from "hearings" to "discussions" and Mayor Briley kept the terminology.  The council never adopted "discussions;" it continued to have "hearings."

"Discussions," sounds so much more "collaborative" and touchy-feely than "hearings." This is serious business and needs to be treated as such. The Council begins its budget hearings on May 11. Members of the public can view and listen to this meeting live on Comcast channel 3, AT&T Uverse channel 99, Google Fiber channel 3, the Metro Nashville Network Roku channel, and online through Metro Nashville Network.  One can watch broadcast meetings on the Metro Nashville Network YouTube channel the day after live broadcast.

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