Saturday, May 16, 2020

Upcoming Public Hearing on the Metro Budget

Lifted from the newsletter of Councilman Jeff Syracuse - The public hearing for the budget will be at the June 2nd Council Meeting. How do you have a public hearing without the public? Great question. Governor Lee has extended his Order that allows local municipalities to meet virtually until June 30th. If members of the public are interested in speaking either for or against any item on the public hearing agenda this is how you do it:

  1. Tune into the meeting via live streaming on, by watching on cable TV (Comcast channel 3, AT&T Uverse channel 99), or watch on the Roku Metro Nashville Network Channel.
  2. Wait for the Vice Mayor to announce when your item is ready for live call in. 
  3. Dial 629-255-1931 and wait for operator assistance. 
  4. You will be asked if you are calling for the current bill on public hearing. 
  5. Mute your TV or live stream when it is your turn to speak. 
  6. Once your time begins, state your name, address, and whether you are for or against the bill. You will have two minutes to speak. 
  7. During your public comments, you will receive a 30-second warning before your time limit is up. 
While the live call-in feature is strongly encouraged in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, members of the public may attend the Metro Council Meeting at the Historic Metro Courthouse (1 Public Square) and speak to the Council from the Council Chamber. Additional information about virtual Council Meetings and remote participation in Council public hearings can be found here.

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