Thursday, May 07, 2020

(Update) Virtual Budget Questions and Answers Session for Councilmembers. 4PM today, May 7th

Metro press release - Budget and Finance Committee Chair Bob Mendes will host a Budget Questions and Answers Session with Councilmembers to generally discuss the budget process and provide budget orientation for new Councilmembers. In accordance with Safer at Home Order fprotocols on safe social distancing, there will not be a physical location for this meeting in order to protect public health, safety, and welfare.

Members of the public can view and listen to this meeting live on Comcast channel 3, AT&T Uverse channel 99, Google Fiber channel 3, the Metro Nashville Network Roku channel, and online through Metro Nashville Network.

Budget Questions and Answers Session Supplemental Resource Materials:

Meeting facilitated by Budget and Finance Committee Chair and Councilmember-At-Large Bob Mendes:

Rod's comment: The meeting is today, May 7th at 4PM.  The above listed resources are good for anyone who wants to understand Metro's budget.  You may also want to see, Citizens' Guide to the Metro Budget.

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