Monday, June 08, 2020

Fifth person arrested related to courthouse arson and vandalism. Will charges be dropped?

items.[0].image.altTwenty-five year old Nicholas Barrett was arrested on charges of aggravated riot and vandalism on Saturday in connection with the courthouse damage during the riot of Saturday, May 30th.  He used a skateboard to break the windows of the courthouse. He also threw a skateboard at a marked police car.

I would hope he would spend some serious jail time, but unfortunately, I suspect that if this is a first offence, he will get off with some community service, or maybe the charges will be dismissed. Our soft-on-crime DA does not appear to have an appetite for prosecuting crime committed in the name of progressive activism. Two of the riot ringleaders, Jeneisha Harris and Justin Jones, were initially served warrants for their arrests, and then the warrants were recalled after Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk said his office wouldn't pursue the charges.

For more see this link and this link.

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