Thursday, June 11, 2020

Mayor John Cooper Issues Statement on Metro Nashville Police Department Performance, Leadership, and Accountability

 Metro press release 6/10/2020 - Mayor John Cooper today issued the following statement:

All Nashvillians deserve to be safe, including those who are making their voices heard in public spaces. I’m grateful to our public safety officers for their professionalism in facilitating peaceful demonstrations while avoiding both physical confrontation and injuries – demonstrations that have seen historic participation levels.
We will continue to hold our law enforcement leadership to our community’s highest standards for public safety while engaging in a 360-degree evaluation of policing and public safety policies and practices.
As previously announced, we will achieve greater accountability and transparency through a use-of-force review and the full deployment of body-worn camera while continuing to engage with our community partners and members of Nashville’s Black community.
Rod's Comment:  There is so much wrong with this.  This is a statement that doesn't say much. The May 30th riot was not "peaceful demonstration."  This does not tell us much as to whether Mayor Cooper is throwing Chief Anderson to the wolves  or not.  It looks like Cooper is trying to walk a fine line and make everyone happy. He must be waiting to see which way the wind blows on the effort to force Andersson out.  Cooper is not showing leadership. He is not joining the ranks of the woke progressive nut-jobs calling for dismantling the police, but neither is he standing for law and order.

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