Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Who were the arsonist and rioters who were arrested and who bailed them out.

Vincent Hamer
by Rod Williams - During and following the Saturday night Nashville riots in connection with the protest over the death of George Floyd, police made thirty-one arrest. Three of the arrest were for felonies and the others were misdemeanor charges.

Westly Sommers
 Westly Sommers age 25 of Madison was arrested for aggravated arson.  He appears to be a local thug with prior arrest.

Tondrique Fitzgerald, age 23 was charged with aggravated rioting and felony vandalism. He is the one who pulled the granite plaque commemorating the civil rights movement in Nashville off the exterior wall of the courthouse. He is a convicted felon. He is a Nashvillian.

Vincent Hamer an 18-year-old of Nashville was just arrested today, Wednesday, June 3th. He is charged with aggravated rioting and felony vandalism. Police say video and photographs show Hamer using objects to break at least two windows at the courthouse.

A 20-year-old man was arrested and found to have a loaded gun and five magazines. The majority of
Tondrique Fitzgerald
those arrested were from Nashville or nearby cities but also arrested were people from Texas, Illinois and New York.  Of those arrested 23, were men, ages 21 to 61 and five were women, ages 17 to 28.  Sixteen of the arrested were black, 11 were white and one is Hispanic.

Westly Sommers bond was set at $255,000. Bail for Tondrique Fitzgerald was set at $75,000.  It is not known if they made bail.

Almost all of those who were arrested are out.  This was posted to the "Our Revolution," Facebook page.

While the purpose of bail is to assure someone shows up for trial, I fear that the time they set waiting to be bailed out is the only time they will serve.  I will not be surprised if all of those arrested on misdemeanor charges are not given community service.  I hope not, but I suspect that is what will happen.  Community service is a joke in most cases.  In my years of working with a local non-profit we would have people assigned to our organization to do community service.  We did not have staff to supervise them and get any meaningful work out of them and they spend most of their day sleeping.  If you did ask them to mop a floor or something, they had an attitude and moved in slow motion.  Community service is waste of time. Probably getting arrested will simply give this people more street cred with their peers.

For more information on the Nashville Bail Fund, follow this link.  For source material and more on this story see these links: link, link, link, link, link,

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